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"Who, Verb, What?" - A Picture Grammar Game

Hello to all my fellow teachers and English learners! John here, from Cool English, bringing you our weekly activity update. This week, we're thrilled to unveil our latest game: "Who, Verb, What?" Not only does it serve as a subtle grammar refresher, but it's also designed to be entertaining, with a selection of engaging visuals to support the learning process. Let's learn how to play!

To start, simply select an image number. Ask your students to identify three core elements in the chosen picture: the subject ("who"), the action ("verb"), and the object ("what"). A click reveals the three essential words related to the image.

Subsequently, challenge the students to craft a sentence using one of the predefined time-based phrases provided next to the image (e.g., "every week" could lead to "The giraffe drinks juice every week."). This serves as an excellent exercise to practice varying verb tenses. Clicking on these phrases also unveils sample responses for guidance.

Rack up points for correct answers and loop back to select another captivating image to continue the game.

Do drop a comment to let us know your thoughts on this activity! We're eager to know if you'd love more of this new game. And, as always, keep an eye out for next week's exciting update on

Warm regards,



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