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3 in 1: Jeopardy, Ads, and Prices

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Here are 3 expansions on existing activities.

  1. First, I added a couple of new PVSG jeopardy games. PVSG is pronunciation, vocabulary, spelling, and grammar. Each category has four questions of increasing difficulty from 100 points to 400 points. There are also basic or advanced versions of the game. Have fun with this great warmer or end-of-class activity, and remember you can set the limit to 6-8 questions, so the game doesn’t last too long.

  2. Second, there are some new Print Ads. I love the mystery aspect of these. Seeing my students try to figure out what the ad is selling or saying is so much fun. These are great conversation starters, and asking the students to describe the ads and what it is trying to sell is quite challenging. Finally, I like to ask them on a scale of one to ten, with one being the worst ad ever and ten being the best. How do you score this ad?

  3. Third, I have another weekly ad activity. These are ads with prices to popular supermarkets or department stores. They are great to practice “How much is/are……?”, I like to alternate asking them how much is...... and them asking me. You can also use these for Role Plays or comparison practice, talking about the difference in prices or products. Finally, I like to teach the weights and measurements in the US. Learning things like pounds (lbs.) and ounces (oz) are useful when they travel.

Well, I hope you enjoy some of these interactive activities, and please let me know if I can improve them in any way.



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