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Tricky Numbers: Ordinals vs. Cardinals Activity

Hello, language learners and educators!

John from Cool English here, bringing you our weekly activity update. This week, we're diving into the numerical side of language with a new activity: 'Ordinal vs. Cardinal Numbers.' This interactive lesson is an excellent way to teach, practice, or assess your students' understanding of numbers, with a special focus on the often-tricky ordinal numbers.

This activity unfolds in four parts:

Learn: This section provides clear explanations and comparisons of ordinal and cardinal numbers, complete with interactive pronunciation practice and audio support.

Practice: Here, students can apply their learning through ten interactive, multiple-choice questions, complemented by high-quality visuals.

Video Clips: This engaging section presents a game where students watch short video clips featuring spoken numbers. They then write down or repeat these numbers to earn points.

Test: The final part of the activity offers a more formal assessment. Students listen, see, and read numbers, and then try to repeat them for points.

Feel free to start this activity in class and assign any remaining parts as homework.

I'm confident your students will enjoy and find value in this new activity. As always, check back next week for more cool activities at

Stay tuned,



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