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The Alphabet and Talk Show Chats

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Hey everyone, John from Cool English again with two new activities to share. The Alphabet for basic and intermediate levels and Talk Show Chats for more advanced levels.

First, the Alphabet is a simple activity to practice pronouncing the letters. I have a clickable learning experience, a short music video, and a missing letter review section. Even my advanced students sometimes need to review certain letters like vowels. It helps for spelling last names or email addresses.

Second, the Talk Show Chats are short video clips of famous people telling anecdotes. I provide keywords, comprehension questions, and short written summaries of the videos. There is the option to watch with or without subtitles.

These talks are great ways to test students listening skills by using comprehension questions. As well as for their speaking or writing skills by summarizing the story in an abbreviated form.

Please enjoy these new activities and let me know if I can improve them in any way.



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