Hey everyone, John from Cool English, with a fun new activity on the site that I call Storytelling Pictures. Use short picture sequences from famous movies to tell stories. I have basic, intermediate, and advanced levels, so there should be something for everyone.
Toy Story (basic) and Avengers (intermediate)
Choose a scene, click through the 3-4 pictures, and ask students to tell the story. Another fun option is to click through the story samples and stop randomly asking students if the picture and the story sample match.
ICE AGE (advanced)
This more advanced version has six chapters, and each has six pictures. If you click a picture, it reveals the story sample, and if you click again, the picture returns.
This story is longer and more complicated than the others, so it is more suited for advanced levels. I usually start it in class and assign the rest as homework. I like to compare the stories the students create with the real story.
I hope you enjoy this week’s new activities and check back next week for more on coolenglish.net.
