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New Idioms and Business Reading

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Hey guys, John from Cool English with two new activities. Some advanced vocabulary with Idioms 3 and some reading with Business Case Studies.

First, there’s Idioms 3, the newest set of idioms on the site. Idioms are common expressions or sayings in a culture that might be difficult for students to understand. They are common in movies or media as well as in TOEFL or other similar tests. Each set has twelve idioms and many ways to review them. Definitions, Story choices, Multiple Choice, Headline Synonyms, Fill in the Blanks, Open Questions, Video Synonyms, Definition Review, and finally an auto-correcting test. I like to start with definitions and one or two other reviews in class and then assign the other reviews as homework. The following week we review more and test if they are ready.

The second is Business Case Studies. These are short readings of real-world case studies from Harvard Business Review. There are clickable keywords for vocabulary, and each case has a key takeaway that we discuss as a class before revealing. I like to read one or two in class and then assign more for homework. These are great conversation starters as well.

I hope you enjoy these new activities, and please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.



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