Hey everybody, John from Cool English with a new vocabulary activity based on geography. There are 30 words, 10 easy, 10 intermediate, and 10 advanced, so there should be something for everyone.
As always, there are many parts to the activity. So do a few in class and assign some others for homework.
LEARN – this is the picture flashcard reveal section. There are HD pictures with definitions and a button to reveal the word/pronunciation. It's separated into three levels of difficulty.
MULTIPLE CHOICE – review with multiple-choice fill-in-the-blank sentences to match pictures.
DEFINITION GAME – jeopardy style game that gives the definition and asks students to say the word.
VIDEO CLIPS – short video clips with three geography words each. Students listen and try to repeat the three words.
OPEN QUESTIONS – twelve questions to discuss openly in class or in groups. Sometimes I ask students to write the answers for homework.
SLOT MACHINE – a fun game where three pictures flash on the screen, and the students must guess what they are. I reveal the pictures a few times for more basic groups.
TEST – an auto-graded test of ten questions. I either assign it as homework or do it in class.
I hope you all enjoy it, and please check back next week for more new activities on coolenglish.net.