Hey guys, John from Cool English with some new activities to share. I have some fun analogy games in all levels, from kids to advanced. They will get your students thinking about how words relate to each other.
If your students are unfamiliar with word analogies, you might introduce the idea of bridges. Explain the different types of relationships words can have. Such as opposites (hot-cold), degree (bad - terrible), Type (hammer - tool), Characteristic (candy - sweet), etc. Understanding the relationship between words is a great way for our students to learn words.
Separate the class into teams, have one choose a number, and try to complete the analogy. Award points for correct answers. If they are wrong, I let the next team try to answer and steal the point. Remember, you can use this casually with no competition or game. It's up to you and your class.
I hope your students have as much fun with these as mine.
