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Miami Yelp Reviews: A Dive into Tourism Hotspots

Updated: Aug 13, 2023

Hey everyone, John from Cool English here, back with your weekly activity update. We're launching a new series in our Yelp Review reading activities, focusing on popular tourist destinations. Our first stop? Miami.

In this activity, you'll encounter reviews of four key attractions - a hotel, a restaurant, a shopping center, and an arts & entertainment venue.

Here's what's unique about these reviews:

  • Dual Perspectives: Each location has both a positive and a negative review. Learning how to compliment and critique places can be invaluable for our students, particularly when visiting these destinations.

  • Interactive Vocabulary: Each review highlights five words. Click on them to reveal their definitions - a great way to expand your vocabulary.

  • Listening and Pronunciation: Accompanying audio of the reviews provides an excellent resource for improving listening skills and pronunciation.

Typically, I recommend reading one or two reviews in class and then assigning the remainder as homework. Encourage students to record their readings of the reviews, it's a fantastic way to work on pronunciation.

I hope you enjoy this week's activity. Check back next week for a fresh and exciting 'choose your own adventure' based on the Barbie movie.

Stay cool, John


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