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Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Hey guys, due to popular demand I have added a plethora of new Jeopardy games for you. I added new games to the existing categories, and I added three new types of games. I love using these in class as a warmer, end-of-class reward, or a review. I like to set a goal of 1000 or 2000 points and a limit of questions (8-12), so you are not playing games all class.

Here are the different versions I have available.

- Traditional: This is the classic game with five random categories (I try to stay ESL-based). There are basic and advanced levels and a business and superhero version as well.

- PVSG: This is called pronunciation vocab spelling and grammar or PVSG for short. There is one row of words to pronounce, one row of vocab questions, one row of spelling words, and one row of find and fix a grammar mistake in a sentence.

- KIDS: This is a much easier version with pictures and simple categories like what is the verb, name 3, prepositions of place, and more.

- ACADEMIC: This is a game of academic questions from 7th grade (11-12 years old) based on categories like History, Geography, Science, Math, etc.

- REAL GAMES: These are questions from the real Jeopardy game show that has been on TV in the USA forever. Remember this game is infamous for its difficulty. They say it is only for geniuses.

- WORD FORMATION: This game has five categories, nouns, verbs, adjectives, prefixes, and suffixes. Each one you are given a word and must change it to fit the chosen category.

I hope you enjoy all the new Jeopardy games. Please, let me know if you have any requests.



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