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Info Gap - Simple Present Routines

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Hey everybody, I want to share the first of what I hope to be many new activities for information gap speaking. I love using info-gap activities in class with my students, but online it can be tricky. I am trying to develop this and would love your feedback to improve the design or functionality.

This one is on simple present routines. I have three parts to it, and it works with online classes or in-person equally if used correctly.

  1. LEARN – This is to pre-teach the questions. You have the prompts and a reveal button, so you can show the question after eliciting their answers. Sometimes I show them quickly as we casually talk about the prompts, then I click again to hide the questions and quiz the students to see what they remember.

  1. Student A or B – Clicking on either of these tabs opens a separate page for A and B, making it easier to share the links with each student. They can open it on their phone as if it was a printed handout, or for private students, you can open it on your phone and share the other on the screen for them. You can click on the question prompts to reveal the question, click on the pictures to reveal the written response, and finally click on the question marks to reveal the answers. You can also screen print either one then hand it out in class.

  1. Both On The Same Page – Here, students A and B info are side by side on the same page, which can be great for teachers to reference or review. Sometimes I ask the questions randomly for the students to hunt the answers. All the pictures and questions are interactive as in the individual activity.

I think drilling grammar points with information gap activities is a great review that I try to use as much as possible. After finalizing this design, I will start to do the same thing with different grammar points (requests welcome). I hope you enjoy and thanks again for all the support.



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