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Homophones: A Visual Guide to Similar Sounds

Hello everyone,

It's John from Cool English, bringing you our latest activity update. This week, we're thrilled to introduce our new series on homophones. We've designed three comprehensive levels, ranging from Basic to Advanced, ensuring a suitable challenge for all learners.

Each level features:

  • Ten homophone pairs, accompanied by illustrative visuals.

  • A "Learn" section: Here, students engage with picture pairs and guess the homophones they represent. For guidance, revealable definitions are available beneath each image, aiding in deduction. Finally, unveil the words and verify their guesses.

  • A Review Game: This section presents students with two subtly crafted definitions, challenging them to discern and deduce the corresponding homophone pair. Correct answers earn them points!

A special thanks to Bruce Worden who created the captivating illustrations.

Stay tuned to for our weekly updates and exciting new content!

Stay Cool, John


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