Hey everyone, John from Cool English with two new activities this week. Following the October tradition, I have Halloween Vocabulary, and I have a Creating Questions Game for speaking and grammar review.
HALLOWEEN VOCABULARY – this activity has 30 vocab words broken into 3 sets of 10 (easy, medium, hard). There are multiple-choice questions, a definition game, video clips, open questions, and a slot machine game for review. Finally, there is a grading test. I normally go over the words in class and maybe one or two reviews, then I assign the other reviews for homework. Sometimes we go over some of the words in class, and I tell them to study the rest of the words for homework then we do the review games together in the following class. Finally, I assign the test as homework and tell them to send me their grades.
CREATING QUESTIONS GAME – this activity gives students many prompts to ask different questions. There are three choices
1. Wh-words
2. Past-present-future
3. All verb tenses
Choose one of the three modes and ask students to create questions. For more basic groups, I choose the prompts, while for more advanced groups I let them pick. I also don’t use the questions type category for basic to intermediate groups. So, for example, I might choose the Wh- question mode and ask them to give me a “what” question about “father”, then click on those words to blank them out and award points if students create correct questions. Next, I may ask them to create a “when” question about “work” and so on. This activity is very easy to adapt to your class's needs. If you gamify grammar and speaking, it makes it more interesting for our students.
As always, I hope you enjoy this week's new activities, and check back next week for more spooky fun.