Hey everyone, John from Cool English with your weekly new activities. This month, in honor of Halloween, I will be releasing one Halloween-inspired activity, each week. Today I have Michael Jackson’s Thriller music video activity and a fun picture/speaking activity called "Yes, But". It was inspired by the talented artist Antоn Gudim on Instagram.
Thriller by Michael Jackson – A comprehensive review of this popular song and music video. There are multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank options along with the printable worksheet. I also include the lyric video, official video, and karaoke video. Go over the videos and pause every line or two and ask the students to repeat them.
Yes, But Pictures – show pairs of illustrations to your students. The first picture shows the yes or affirmation, while the second picture shows a contradiction or a but. Have students explain the yes picture and then the but picture. There are key words and sample explanations to help.
I hope you enjoy this week’s new activities, and check back next week for more spooky fun.