Hey everybody, John from Cool English with some new weekly activities. This week I have one more Halloween activity for the month of October called Fail Army Halloween, which are short funny videos for students of all levels to summarize. I also have some new Meme Games to test reading comprehension for intermediate to advanced students.
Fail Army Halloween – choose one of the very short videos, let the students watch it a couple of times. Ask the students to retell what happened, either verbally or written. With lower-level students, I provide some key verbs to help them retell the story. You can work on simple past or 3rd person simple present by asking them to retell the story in the past or present.
Meme Game – Choose a picture and have students read the meme. Now ask them to try and explain the joke or why it’s funny. Finally, reveal a sample explanation. This is a great warmer for students as they love memes and enjoy trying to understand them in English.
I really hope you all enjoyed this month of Halloween activities. Check back next week for a special new feature I am adding to the site.
Happy Halloween