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Fail Army Videos

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Hey guys, John from Cool English with some more Fail Army videos. These are great short videos to practice verb usage and linking or sequencing words. There are six sets of ten videos, each one between 10-30 seconds long.

I love to use these funny home videos of accidents to work on past or present tense verb usage. I also like to use sequencing words to help retell the story.

Tell your students to retell what happened in the video using past tense verbs or present tense verbs, depending on what you want to practice.

I write these words on the board (and, but so, then, next, after). I talk about how to use them to join your story and make it more cohesive. I also like to work on past models with things like should (not) have, could have, might have, etc.

Finally, for homework have them record their audios or write short summaries of the videos.

I hope you find this helpful.



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