Hey everyone, John from Cool English with your weekly English activities. This week I have a fun Easter-themed vocabulary set and a more advanced Business activity with Shark Tank 2-minute presentations. The Easter vocab is more suited for a basic to intermediate level, while the Shark Tank would be for more advanced groups.
Easter Vocabulary
- There are 14 Easter vocabulary words with photos and definitions. There are multiple-choice reviews, an open cloze story, a jeopardy style definition game, video clips, and conversation questions about Easter.
Shark Tank Shorts
- This is the 13th edition of this popular activity. There are four 2-minute presentations by entrepreneurs to investors. Each time they will introduce the company, ask for money in exchange for equity, identify a problem in the market, and finally introduce their solution (product/service) for the problem.
I use this in two ways. I ask students to answer the comprehension questions, then open for class discussion, asking their opinions of the company. Would they invest in it? Why? Or why not?
Another thing I do is to ask them to present the company as if it were theirs, with the other students or myself acting as the investors. Roleplay the situation by asking the appropriate questions.
Finally, I assign another video for homework and ask them to write a synopsis.
I hope you enjoy this week’s activities, and please check back next week for more cool stuff on coolenglish.net.