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Comic Strip Storytelling

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Hello everyone, John from Cool English with another new activity. Today I have Comic Strip Storytelling. It is a fun speaking or writing activity that you can easily adapt to any level. There are 16 comic strips in total, but I will be adding more soon. Here are some ideas on how to use it in class.

I let the students choose one of the comic strips then I ask them to either tell me what happens in the comic or write the story. Depending on their level, you might go over one quadrant at a time alternating between students, or for more advanced students, have them tell the whole story paying attention to sequencing words between pictures. Another thing to help more basic students is to create a small word bank together and let them use it to tell the story.

For homework, I assign 2-3 more comic strips to write or record their speaking. Sometimes I ask them to find a comic strip in their native language and explain it to me.

It is a simple but effective way to get your students talking. I hope you enjoy it.



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