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Can You Pass The Prompter Challenge? Again?

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Hey guys John from Cool English, and I'm back with three more teleprompter challenge activities. In basic, intermediate, and advanced levels.

News journalists have to read from a teleprompter that scrolls text up the screen quickly. This can be quite challenging for our students.

I adapted it for classes with basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. Each level has two speeds for the text to scroll, also you can see the whole text if needed. They range from 20 seconds to 60 seconds in length. There is the option to hear the pronunciation first to shadow if you want.

Normally with more basic students I just ask them to try and read in sync with the prompter. For more advanced students I ask them to read and make no more than 3 mistakes. I award points if they are successful to gamify it a little.

I think this is a great way to work on fluency and force the students to read out loud with a little bit of pressure. All of my students enjoyed it and found it very engaging. I normally play in class then assign it as homework to record and send me. I hope all of you find it useful and as always please let me know if you have any feedback.



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