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Aesop's Fables & Weather Reports

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Hello fellow teachers and English learners, John from Cool English with two new activities for you.

Aesop's Fables – this intermediate to advanced level reading activity consists of short moral stories. Each has five vocab words and a lesson or moral to learn. First, read the story, then learn the words (click on them to see a definition), and finally, guess the moral (also clickable to reveal a sample answer)

These one-page stories are famous and turn into great conversation starters. Explaining moral lessons can be challenging for our students, so this is a great speaking activity as well.

Weather Reports – this intermediate to advanced level video activity consists of 40-second weather reports from actual news channels. Each video has keywords for vocabulary and two comprehension questions.

These are a great way to use real-life material in class and to review weather vocabulary.

I hope you enjoy these new activities and check back next week for some new Basic level stuff.



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