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3 activities in 1 post

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Hey guys, John from Cool English again with a couple of fun video activities for more advanced students and a fun reading and listening activity for more basic level students. There are three activities in one post. It’s Christmas time, so I am in a holiday-sharing mood 😊.

First, there are Fall TV Shows. Every year in the Fall, new TV shows are released. I like to have my students watch the trailers and answer some questions. I ask them to identify four parts of the show, the genre, setting, character, and plot synopsis. Then we talk about if they liked the show or not, and if they think it will be a hit.

Second, I have Survivor Intros. I like to use reality show introductions to practice hearing basic information about people. Students must listen to people saying their names, ages, locations, and professions. There is an option to have subtitles to make it easier. After I have the students introduce the people. For example, “Her name is………. And she is from……”. I believe hearing and pronouncing people's basic info is good practice.

Finally, I have Basic Reading & Listening – Jobs. A new addition to my Basic reading and listening section. There are six texts/audios, each with comprehension and discussion questions. I have my students listen one time then read it out loud in turns. After we go over the comprehension questions, and lastly, I have them do the speaking questions in pairs.

I hope that these activities come in handy and remember you can share links with your students to practice for homework or before class.



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