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2 New Picture Activities

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Hey guys, John from Cool English again, and today I have two fun ESL activities for you. One I call What’s Going On, while the other is the fourth edition of Amazing Places. Both are great picture activities to use in class with all levels of students.

First, What’s Going On is an activity to guess what might be happening in curious pictures. Inspired by the New York Times activity of the same name.

There are three questions.

1. What’s going on in the picture?

2. What do you see that makes you say that?

3. What more can you find?

I provide some keywords and a sample phrase. I like to tell the students they must be detectives and try to guess what is happening based on the evidence in the picture.

Second, Amazing Places 4 is another edition of this popular activity where you talk about exotic locations your students may want to travel to one day. I provide some keywords and a sample phrase. Also, you can click on the location title to open a Wikipedia link. It is great to practice pronunciation of words to describe travel locations, and prepositions to explain placement in the pictures. For more advanced levels, I make them add one or two adjectives before every keyword. Finally, I ask them if they would like to visit this place and why. For homework, I ask them to send me 2-3 amazing places they want to visit, and a description of each.

Both are great activities to warm up the class or break the monotony of the bookwork. I always get a lively conversation when I use them, and I hope you do too.



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