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100,000 Dollar Pyramid X-mas

Practice English with this fun game based on the popular TV game show. Make your partner say a list of words using clues. 100,000 DOLLAR PYRAMID, xmas edition, christmas

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100,000 Dollar Pyramid X-mas

Practice English with this fun game based on the popular TV game show. Make your partner say a list of words using clues. 100,000 DOLLAR PYRAMID, xmas edition, christmas


  • Enhance Language Skills: Strengthen conversational, vocabulary, and listening abilities through interactive gameplay.

  • Versatile Activity: Serve as an enjoyable warmer or cooler game that complements any lesson, promoting engagement and fun in learning.

  1. Team Formation and Category Selection: Divide the class into teams of two or more. Each team selects a category to kick off the game.

  2. The Guesser's Challenge: Within each team, one member assumes the role of the "guesser." This individual will turn their back to the screen and try to identify the 6 words related to the chosen category. To begin, click "start timer and reveal."

  3. Descriptive Teamwork: The remaining members of the team must describe each word to the guesser without using the word itself. It’s a test of creativity and clarity!

  4. Progress and Adaptation: For every correctly guessed word, click the check mark to reveal the next word. If a word proves too challenging, simply click "skip" to move on to the next.

  5. Scoring and Transition: Once the round concludes, tally the number of correctly guessed words and add this to the team's total score. The subsequent team then chooses a category, and the process repeats.

  6. Flexible Gameplay: Depending on time constraints and class dynamics, you can choose to tackle just one or two categories or challenge students with all six.

  7. Customize the Experience: While points and competition can make the game more exhilarating, remember that the game can also be played in a more relaxed manner without points. The level of competition is entirely up to you, allowing for adaptability to different class needs.


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